Join Us for the Johnson County Home & Garden Show!

Join Us for the Johnson County Home & Garden Show

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Please join us for the JOCO Home & Garden Show.  It will take place at the Overland Park Convention Center on January 26th-28th.  Feel free to pay us a visit at booth #608. Seminars include: Landscaped Gardens, Fresh Ideas Home Stage, Make It, Take It, and much more!

Landscaped Gardens will touch on outdoor landscaping. What can you do to make the landscape surrounding your home more appealing? Flowers, trees, and additional accents can all be used to accent your space. Silverleaf Lawn & Landscape, Monumental Outdoor and Doctor’s Lawn and Landscape will be present and are industry experts that will answer any questions you might have.

Fresh Ideas Home Stage will provide insightful presentations with topics ranging from home remodeling to gardening. Whether you’re looking for that perfect paint color, have home décor questions or can’t decide whether to plant trees, bushes or flowers in your yard, professionals are here to lend a hand. This stage will feature celebrity speakers with a range of topics. Kevin O’Connor of PBS’s This Old House will speak both Friday and Saturday. Jason Cameron of DIY Network’s Desperate Landscapes will present on each day of the Johnson County Home Show.

Make It, Take It will feature the DIVA of DIY (Leanne Lee) and topics include upcycling items. If you love DIY projects, this event will be perfect for you! Looking to step up your DIY skills? Here you can make your own DIY project and take it home from the show! If you love DIY projects, this event will be perfect for you!

If you’d like to check out the full schedule for Johnson County Home & Garden Show, click here. By clicking on the link here you can save $3 to gain entry to the show. Johnson County Siding & Window is the official “Siding Company Sponsor”. An entire exhibitor list can be found here. If you’d like even more information, you can visit the Twitter account @KCHomeShows, on Instagram @HomeShows, or on Facebook @HomeandGardenEvents.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

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