Pay Attention to These Signs Your Windows Need Help

Pay Attention to These Signs Your Windows Need Help

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Knowing when to repair or replace your windows with new vinyl windows in Kansas City is very important. If you ignore the signs of potential issues, your windows can end up deteriorating and could lead to all kinds of other issues, from energy leaks that result in higher utility bills to water leaks that could cause lasting damage. The following are a few signs that your windows have problems:

Condensation on the bottom and corners of your glass

This means that the moisture levels inside your home are too high and could be a result of poor ventilation. The longer you let this go, the more of a risk there is that mold, mildew or rot develops in your windows.

Condensation is forming between your glass panes

If moisture is getting trapped between the panes of glass, it means that the seals on the double or triple-pane windows are either beginning to deteriorate or have failed already, which means outside air is being let into your home.

Your window is difficult to open and close

If you’re having difficulty lifting or pulling shut your double-hung window, it means that the wood is swelling. This is caused by high humidity within your home. It could also be due to failed springs in wood or vinyl windows that use mechanisms to make them easier to open.

You can feel a draft nearby

This means that air is coming through your windows. Odds are, either your weatherstripping or your glass panes need to be replaced.

Water is leaking around your window

This means your window isn’t closing tightly. To make sure the window closes as tightly as possible, lock it when you close it.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

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