Should You Repair or Replace Your Windows?

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When deciding whether to repair or replace your windows, everything depends on the type of problem you are having and the overall age of your windows.

Below are listed the most common problems Kansas City homeowners have with their windows, along with a recommendation on whether to repair your windows or replace them.

#1 How Old Are Your Windows?

This is first thing to think about – it is often the most significant factor in the decision to repair or replace. If you have windows that are more than a decade old, replacement is often the best choice.

This is because advances in energy-efficient technology make new windows a smart way to reduce your utility bill month after month – savings that add up significantly over time.

Also, think of it like an old car. At a certain point, the cost of repairing an old car starts to be more than the costs of buying a new one. It often makes more sense to invest in brand-new lifetime windows and then not have to worry about them.

One other thing to keep in mind about age and windows: sometimes even recently installed windows should be replaced. If you bought a brand-new home, some builders install cheap windows to keep costs down. The problem is these “builder-grade” windows are not very energy-efficient and can cost you a bundle in higher energy bills over time.

#2 Are Your Windows Still Under Warranty?

Of course, if your windows are still covered by warranty – or you think they might be – the sensible thing to do is to contact the Kansas City window company that installed them or the manufacturer of the windows.

They should be willing to guide you on what’s still covered. In the instance where you still have good warranty coverage, repair will be the right choice.

#3 Is It A Hardware Problem?

Are you having a problem with a lock? Or the tilt-in function of your windows? These are often an indication of a simple hardware problem that can be repaired with a simple fix or a new part. In that case, a window repair will probably be the best solution if your windows are otherwise not giving you problems.

#4 Is It A Problem With Energy-Efficiency And/Or Draftiness?

If you have concerns about drafts, energy-efficiency, and the overall comfort of your home, window replacement will almost always be a better choice than repair.

The truth is that windows being sold today are much more energy-efficient than previous windows. Advances in technology – particularly when it comes to glass packages – have made windows a lot more efficient at keeping heat in during the winter and at retaining cooled air in the summer.

Drafts can also be eliminated through a combination of the well-constructed window, plus proper installation by a quality Kansas City window replacement contractor.

#5 Is It An Issue With Rot?

If there is rot around your window frame, or the window itself has rot or warping, replacement is the right option.

#6 Are The Windows Hard To Open & Close?

With this issue, it could be a simple repair. In fact, sometimes the problem can be fixed with a “repair” as simple as tightening the hardware or cleaning out the track the window slides up and down on.

However, if you try that and your windows are still hard to operate, you may need to replace your windows. It probably means the window itself – or the surrounding construction – has become warped.

#7 Are The Windows Fogged Or Cloudy Or Dirty?

This is another issue where there could be a simple solution – or you could need to replace your windows.

If the window is cloudy, the glass panes may just need a good cleaning inside and out.

However, if the dirt, buildup, or moisture is between the panes of glass in your windows, that tells you the seal on your windows has failed. There will be no way to clean that – your windows will appear permanently fogged. A window with a failed seal that is allowing in dirt and moisture needs to be replaced.

If you’re still not sure about repair or replacement, contact us at Johnson County Siding & Window Co. We’d love to give you a consultation.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

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